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Berlin: Intuitive Art

Intuitive Art

Backhaus Projects, Berlin Neukölln

4. Januar @ 17:00 20:30

231213 intuitiveart posts

You also want to take the time to live out your art, freed from all norms? This creative space is for you.

Get involved in the experiment of getting out of your mind and into your feelings. Be aware of your intuition so that your creativity can flow freely again; what wants to come out, can come out. Each brush stroke captures your moment uniquely on the canvas. You with us in the here and now.


  • Meditation Intuition & Silence
  • Wild Herbal Tea Ceremony
  • Intuitive Painting Session
  • Exchange in the Creative Circle

15 places available.

25 – 45 € per person, pay what you can
incl. painting materials, homemade snacks and drinks



Our wild herbal tea and a little present for you
are kindly sponsored by

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